Study Plan

Course in Product Design and Communication

“Today there are no more specializations, and being and doing design is a fluid activity, constantly changing and always interconnected.”

Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Galileo Scpa is an organization of higher education accredited by the Veneto Region. Through its education department SID – Scuola Italiana Design, it offers a three-year course in Industrial Design and Product Communication.

The new SID curriculum is designed to empower the student to develop thinking that is capable of expanding. Ettore Sottsass argued that before setting a pencil to the drawing sheet you have to learn how to think, and Achille Castiglioni believed that if you were not curious then it was better not to even start.

From these two statements we took inspiration for our new curriculum, which mixes technical, practical, humanities, social and economic subjects. The three years are conducted under a banner of interdisciplinarity, culture and practice, including an openness to the possibilities offered by digital technology, which has helped to break down the boundaries between two and three dimensions.

The first year, Seeds, lays the groundwork for engaging with the humus of design, generating fruits needed in the second year, Tools, where one learns to use thinking as a medium and then software to visualize and generate designs. In the third year, Design Thinking, knowledge is condensed and a model is used that links theoretical and practical aspects, fostering a close connection with the realities of the world of production and services.

Andrea Maragno
SID Education Director

To conceive, develop and communicate new products.

The goal is to train professional individuals specializing in product design and communication through multidisciplinary technical and cultural training that develops skills extended to marketing and strategic design.

Combining face-to-face lessons with intensive use of laboratories and exercises, students cover five disciplinary areas for a comprehensive educational experience:

Creative design methods involving research and analysis for the industrial design profession.

Expressive languages, both manual and digital, related specifically to visualizing a product.

The multiple languages of communication, including photography, video, the Internet.

Cultural literacy for a knowledgeable designer with a solid foundation.

The management of a design project, through marketing and the English language.
Gain professional experience by designing directly for companies.


The student, coordinated and assisted by faculty:

Deepens his or her knowledge and skills by experiencing the industrial design profession and develops integrated design projects on topics assigned by companies involved in SID teaching.


SID graduates are qualified to work in the professions of product designer, visual designer, and web designer.



  • Product: Furniture, Interior Design, Industrial Design, Prototyping.
  • Visual: Communication, Product Illustration, Corporate & Brand Design, Packaging.
  • Web: Basic Web & App Design, basics for UI/UX interfaces.

Job opportunities in companies, design studios or as freelancers.

Scuola Italiana Design facilitates the insertion of graduates into the world of work through:

  • Internships within the Research & Development center (R&D District) of Galileo Visionary District.
  • Referral of students with a suitable profile to the Institute’s partner companies for placement within company design centers (often coordinated or initiated by Scuola Italiana Design).

Professional qualification in Product Design and Communication.

At the end of the third year, the student supports the thesis project presentation. Once passed, it is conferred:


  • The First Level Academic Diploma in Design and Communication assimilated to a Bachelor’s Degree awarded by SID – PST Galileo;


Scuola Italiana Design boasts a high employment rate at the end of the academic course. thanks to our network of companies.

The Research Projects developed in Year 3 see the students as protagonists not only in the development but also in presenting the results directly to corporate managers and heads of marketing and product offices, thus creating an initial link that is often continued after graduation at the request of our network of partner companies.

Every six months, Scuola Italiana Design monitors its most recent graduates to keep track of their placement on the job market. You can view the updated data in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the website.

project selection

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Academic Program

I year


Lay the groundwork for engaging with the discipline of design.

II year


Teaches how to use thinking as a medium and software to visualize and generate design projects.

III year

Design Thinking

Empowers students by engaging with the world of manufacturing and services.

Want to Know More?

Learn more about the subjects in the three-year program, how the courses are organized, and what core knowledge you will acquire year by year.

Subjects and Lesson Hours

First level academic degree in Design and Communication (DIPL02)*
* Beginning with the academic year 2023/24

All faculty and related contacts can be found at:

Year I – MUR Recognized – Subjects. CFA Hours
ISDC/01 – Communication Sciences – Chiara Albanesi 5 37,5
ISDC/07 – Multimedia Information Technology – Dario De Meo 3 75
ISSC/01 – History and Culture of Design – Eugenio Farina 4 30
ISST/01 – Mathematical and physical sciences – Eva Tenan 4 50
ISSU/01 – Sociology and Anthropology of Design – Agata Mazzeo 7 52,5
ISDC/03 – Graphic image design – Irene Sgarro 7 87,5
ISDR/01 – Analysis and representation of form and design – Giulio Simeone 4 50
ISDR/03 – Design representation and communication techniques – Luca Trombin 10 125
ISME/02 – Basic design – Tommaso Russo 8 100
ISSE/01 – Business Economics and Management – Gianluca Fiscato 3 37,5
ISSE/02 – Vocationally Oriented English Language – Scott Stuat 2 25
Additional educational activities – Workshops 3 37,5
Total 60 707,5
Year II – Subjects CFA Hours
ISDC/07 – Multimedia Information Technology – Dario De Meo 2 50
ISSC/01 – History and Culture of Design – Eugenio Farina 11 82,5
ISDC/03 – Graphic image design – Luca Fattore 4 50
ISDC/04 – Multimedia Design – Christopher Secolo 9 112,5
ISDE/01 – Product Design – Tobias Nitsche 8 100
ISDE/03 – Systems Design – Tommaso Morbiato 3 37,5
ISDE/04 – Product Engineering – Matteo Formentini | Enrico Giolo 5 62,5
ISDR/01 – Form and design analysis and representation – Giulio Simeone 3 37,5
ISDR/03 – Design representation and communication techniques – Luca Trombin 9 112,5
ISSE/01 – Business Economics and Management – Giulia Turra 3 37,5
ISSE/02 – Vocationally Oriented English Language – Scott Stuart 2 25
Additional educational activities – Workshops 1 12,5
Total 60 720
Year III – Veneto Region – Subjects CFA Hours
ISDC/01 – Communication Sciences – Chiara Albanesi 3 22,5
ISSU/01 – Sociology and Anthropology of Design – Agata Mazzeo 7 52,5
ISDC/03 – Graphic image design – Lorenzo Mason 4 50
ISDE/01 – Product Design – Andrea Maragno 12 150
ISME/01 – Design Methodology – Cesar Arroyo 8 100
ISSE/01 – Business Economics and Management – Giulia Turra 2 25
ISST/03 – Manufacturing Technology – Alessandro Carraro 2 25
ISSE/02 – Vocationally Oriented English Language – Scott Stuart 2 25
Student’s choice activities (hours of study) 9
Thesis 5 62,5
Internships 6 75
Total 60 587,5


Throughout the year, SID organizes workshops in selected locations to build experiences consisting of design sessions and opportunities for recreation and insight into the territory.

SID Workshops are commissioned by national and international companies intent on gathering student-generated visions and concepts through full immersion in new and challenging contexts.

Some of these extracurricular activities are accessible only to students chosen for their outstanding performance or for skills directly related to the assigned brief. Those students are rewarded through grants.


A team composed of students and recent graduates, selected through merit-based criteria, has the opportunity each year to participate in a Camp organized by Scuola Italiana Design during the course of the academic program. Participants manage and develop research projects assigned by different Partner Companies in various fields of design during a period ranging from 3 to 5 days.

SID Summer School

SID Summer School is an extra-curricular activity involving a team of students and recent graduates selected through merit-based criteria. During this activity, participants manage and develop research projects, over the course of three intensive weeks, assigned by various companies in different fields of design.


Before applying for enrollment, an admission interview with the Education Director must be held. On this occasion, SID’s educational program will be presented and the student will have the opportunity to convey his/her personal motivations.

Registration and Fees

Applicants who have passed the admission test may proceed to enroll in the Three-Year First Level Course in Design and Communication and are required to pay registration and course fees totaling:

€ 5.402,00

Subdivided into:

  1. €902.00 (including stamp duty of €2.00) as a registration fee.
  2. 4,500.00 as a participation fee.

For total contributions, there is an installment plan as detailed in the Enrollment Form.

Requirements and
Degree Conferred


The Course is intended for Italian and international students with an upper secondary education diploma from institutions of any educational focus.


Degree of Study

  • For Enrollees from AA 2023-24 onward:

At the end of the third year of study, the student obtains the First Level Academic Diploma in Design and Communication (DIPL-02) assimilated to a First Level Bachelor’s Degree, recognized as such nationally and internationally.
The Diploma is awarded by delivery and discussion of the thesis during one of the available graduation sessions after taking all the examinations stipulated in the three-year curriculum.

  • For those enrolled until A.Y. 2022-23:

At the end of the third year, the student takes the final examination. Once passed, they are awarded:

The Diploma in Product Design and Communication awarded by SID – PST Galileo;
The Certificate of Professional Qualification in Industrial and Communication Design;
Year 3 is recognized by the Veneto Region under Executive Decree 614/17.

Alias Career

In accordance with the objectives of the Single Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunity, the enhancement of the welfare of those who work and study, and against discrimination, Scuola Italiana Design is committed to providing adequate measures to ensure the activation of the Alias Career for all students enrolled in the Three-Year Formative Program who do not identify with the registry gender identity.